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Erklæring fra den ortodokse kirke i Finland

Erklæring fra den ortodokse kirke i Finland

Om Ruslands invasion i Ukraine

No Justifications Exist For This War

Pastoral letter of the bishops of the Orthodox Church of Finland, February 26, 2022.


The Orthodox Church of Finland absolutely condemns the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Absolutely no justifications exist for this war. The Ukrainian nation deserves all our support: both financially and through our prayer. Filantropia ry, the charity organization of our church, offers one way to send Ukrainians urgent crisis aid. Our church is also preparing to offer aid and support for refugees.

We appeal to the bishops and priests under the Moscow Patriarchate to advance the cause of peace.

At this difficult moment, our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, now fleeing the terrors of war to neighboring countries. The innocent people are always the greatest victims of any war, and we are particularly discomforted by the situation of the children.

We, too, must strive for peace and concord. The blame for this situation should not be placed on the ordinary Russian people and no disharmony be created among the membership of our Church in Finland. Each member of our Church member is dear to us, no matter their ethnic background.

We ask all to remember the suffering people in their prayers and the priests to perform prayer services for peace. Let us complete our prayer together!

Many are worried about the possibility of the expansion of this war. According to our country’s political leadership, there is currently no immediate military threat of Finland. As a church, of course, we pray to the Triune God so that we may to continue to “lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1. Timothy 2:2).

”So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.” (Romans 14:19)

With paternal love in Christ,

+ His Eminence, Archbishop Leo of Helsinki and all Finland 

+ His Eminence, Metropolitan Arseni of Kuopio and Karelia

+ His Eminence, Metropolitan Elia of Oulu 

+ His Grace, Bishop Sergei of Hamina